The key to eating healthy? Avoid any food that has a TV Commerical. Do you see many commercials that promote fresh veggies? When we are in Spring and heading towards Summer, fresh vegetables are plentiful, and so many varieties of veggies are available locally. We are in the trailblazing season of all things green, fresh, and full of nutrients.
5 Reasons to Eat Local and In Season
1. Nutrients: Local and in-season veggies contain more nutrients since it does not travel far, is picked fresh and brought to your table soon after being harvested.
2. Simple, Whole Foods: Every year around spring and summer, whole local vegetables are more available. One thing remains true; whole foods are a tried and true food standard to adhere to for better health. Whole foods, like fresh vegetables, are the most minimally processed foods we can eat. Including more whole foods into your daily diet can be immensely beneficial.
3. Supports Local Businesses and Farmers: You can find excellent locally grown seasonal produce at farmers' markets, CSAs, and even your local grocery store.
4. Taste: Locally grown vegetables taste so much better.
5. More Variety through the Year: When you eat seasonally, you change up the variety of food that goes on your table.

You will save money buying local vegetables without chemicals because it is a lot cheaper than going to the grocery store and buying veggies full of unknown chemicals/organic vegetables that travel far. Know where and how your food is grown.
I love to buy local and belong to a local farm's CSA - Urban Root's Farm. They're sold out for the summer, but you can go on a waitlist and buy NOW from their Farmstand. I also love to visit the other Farmer's Markets in my area.
I can comfortably say that most of us could serve to incorporate more vegetables into our diets. The great thing about eating vegetables? The possibilities are endless! Some various methods and spices can give the same vegetable a different flavor and feel. Here are some ways to switch things up when cooking vegetables.

Chase the Seasons with Me
Go on a ride with me of eating more seasonal vegetables throughout the entire year (even in the winter). This Spring and Summer season is a fun and easy place to start. Each week I am highlighting a vegetable on my Facebook Page and My Website. I will showcase how to buy and prepare, nutritional value, and recipes for that specific veggie. Last week I prepared, cooked, and ate artichokes. Next week I show how to store cucumbers, make pickles, a dip to go with cucumbers, and a green vitality juice that uses cucumbers—lots of fun stuff each week.

Brandy Lane Hickman, NBHWC
2B Well Integrative Health Collaborative, Owner
Inspired Nutrition, National Board Certified Health Coach, Kitchen Therapy
Board President, Missouri Nutrition Alliance Non-Profit
(417)861-6682 |